Save this year’s S’mores Festival by joining ALERTCalifornia and helping Native creatures across California with fire management puzzles. This is a dialogue-driven educational game in partnership with the ALERTCalifornia program at UC San Diego. 

Alert Cali-S'more-nia teaches players about Native Fire Stewardship and the concept of good fire - carefully managed fires that reduce wildfire hazards, clear downed trees, control plant diseases, restore natural ecosystems, & save the annual s'mores fest!

“Fire is a reflection of culture, and the kinds of fires we’ve been experiencing in California are a projection of our own disconnection and imbalance. It’s time to reclaim the balance, rebuild the relationship. Cultural practitioners can help show us how.” 

-Lenya N. Quinn-Davidson, University of California Cooperative Extension fire advisor and Northern California Prescribed Fire Council Director (source)

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